Sunday, April 01, 2007

It Begins...

our children have discovered April Fools. Benjamin, being the oldest decided to introduce his brothers to this wonderful holiday... How you may ask? By removing the ladder from Zach's top bunk! :) Now, Benjamin didn't realize that during the night, Zachary always gets up to use the toilet. So,

At 1:29am Sunday morning, the shrilling scream (a blood-curdling scream literally) comes from the boy's room. Zachary is on the floor, bleeding like you can't imagine. It's coming from his nose! When he went to get out of bed, feet first and backwards, he just assumed the ladder was there. He ended up falling backwards, head first, and somehow landed on his face. (Most likely doing a flip in the process?) Glenn got him to the bathroom while I started on the carpet.

As we got him back into bed, we noticed that the ladder had been moved. ????? we thought. What in the world! (at 2 in the morning, it's really hard to think too) As we all headed off back to bed, we noticed that a few of the barstools had been placed in other rooms. ????? we thought again. And for some reason, we had forgotten to lock the back door. Now we're thinking that the security system should have gone off if someone would have entered... right?!?! At this point, we began searching every room. Glenn was clenching his fists - ready!

The next morning, Glenn began the interrogation. Ben, very innocently, said, "Sure it was me" when asked about the missing ladder. "It was April Fool's," he said so matter-of-factly. Glenn kinda' lost it at that moment. (Very unusual for Glenn.) Glenn went on about broken knecks, wheel chairs, and DEATH!

While it was very serious (Glenn was very serious) - we were glad that nobody was seriously hurt! This will be a family tradition we are sure - boys are already scheming for next year! Hopefully this next time it will not be in the middle of the night with blood involved! :)

1 comment:

Eldon said...

In spite of the blood I am chuckling thinking of Glenn. Poor Ben was just trying to honor the holiday.

I will have to visit with him before next year. I have some good ideas that wont hurt brothers but will leave Dad in a "mood".