Saturday, September 22, 2007

Start 'em young

Today when we were planning our Saturday activities Mike said he was going to mow the lawn. Thomas responded, "no, Thomas do it." We tried to explain that it's a Daddy job but he wouldn't budge. We laughed and agreed that he'll just run away when he hears the motor, as usual. Oh no, he still insisted that he was mowing the lawn today. He'll still want to do this when he's a teenager, right?


Madge said...

You can only hope!

Linnea said...

Look at you guys, living in suburbia! I love it! Cute houses!

Melissa said...

Hate to burst your bubble, but my kids loved doing that - now they are no where to be seen. Keep him at it! Brainwash him early!!

Cindy Thomas said...

If there's $$$ involved... :)