California Trip
Here are some pictures of our beach trip!
We decided to take a break one day and head to Sea World. It was a lot of fun.
Another day, we headed to San Diego and took a tour of the aircraft carrier the USS Midway! Talk about some cramped quarters!!
Then of course we spent lot's of time just playing on the beach!
Sammi lost at cards that morning, so she had to get buried alive!
We had fun torturing her and making her look buff!
Allison spent the entire time boogie boarding. She couldn't get enough!
We are happy to be home and out of the sand. We had a great time!
OK. What is that thing around your neck?
That was the thingy you plug your headphones into. As you tour the ship, each room has a number. You type it into that box, and you get to hear about it from the men who served on the Midway.
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