Sunday, February 11, 2007

Two wonderful things happen to me this week, the first of which I won't mention any names BUT I needed to go and baby sit a certain person at our lawyers office while they looked through boxes of papers, all of which they already had copies! Yes, I was excited to go and spend the day because I had nothing better to do! After looking through 4 magazines that I had brought with me & 4 hours later, I pulled out my trusty ipod & watched the video of my grandchildren. I suddenly felt very sorry for that person because I have it all - everything that matters & they don't! I felt very much at peace about the whole situation. So when you are ready to wring a neck or two just remember how they made me feel on that long 5 hour day!

The second wonderful thing that happened to me is that my 4th grandchild is now a member of the church!! Allison Kate Lee has now joined the ranks soon to be followed I might add by Zach & Logan! What a wonderful day, she looked beautiful but Allison was too fast for me, the minute she got home, she changed her clothes & I missed the picture of her in her pretty white dress. Melissa had a feast for us after the baptism, we enjoyed a good visit with everyone.

Today was our ward conference. Our Stake President said, "Pray to know how often the Lord would like to see you in the temple. And pray to know what you can do for your spouse." He said we would be shocked at how fast we would get answers to our prayers.

Sunny is doing some beta testing for Family Search for the Church. They asked her to sign up 10 more people to help test. She asked us. We have submitted our names now we will see if they select us.

Life is still busy & now I have to stop & figure out this blog thing. As you can see I still can't get the pictures where I want them. They just go where ever. So just be glad they are even on this blog!!!
Technology is a great thing but my brain got left back in the 20th century!!!
I love every one of you!!

1 comment:

Eldon said...

Great to hear from you. Seeing the pictures of the get togethers makes me feel like we missed something.