Grandpa Jack?
So, I have to admit, I was a little surprised when I read Eldon's blog. Is raw milk really that repulsive? Am I really that weird? And then I remembered my initial reaction to it all. Ok, yes, I am that weird. Here comes the underlying question: If I thought it was so weird then why am I doing it now? If you've heard the story you can just enjoy the pictures, if not then get cozy.
I had a friend in my ward who looked normal enough but she seemed to me to have a severe case of the "all-natural" fever. Actually, she was even a step up from any health-nut I'd ever met. But whatever, to each his own, we were still friends. Then, after my second surgery when I weaned Thomas to formula and put him in daycare he started getting ear-infection after ear-infection, especially when teething. He probably had 2 or 3 a month. Pretty soon, while on antibiotics for one ear-infection he got one in the other ear as well. We took him to the doctor and he said, "oh well, we just need to give him something stronger" and handed me a prescription. Thomas was about 8 months old. After a few months of this it wasn't rocket science to realize that the medicine, while a wonderful thing, wasn't really solving this problem but it seemed to make him more susceptable to infections. I asked the doctor what else I could do and he said nothing, this is totally normal. In desperation I called my friend and she suggested giving him a tsp of cod liver oil every day. Ok, I realize that not only does it sound crazy it sounds completely disgusting but I was willing to try anything. His ear-infection cleared up the next day and he's never had another one, EVER! Even through the molars, nothing. I don't care how crazy some things sound, when I see results like that I'm a believer!
So, over the course of the year I've been doing a lot of reading and I go through the usual stages: disgust, skepticism, curiousity, bravery and usually I end up pleasantly surprised. Yes, my kitchen is way more "Grandpa Jack"-esque than Mom's and yes, I am coming to terms with the fact that now I am the weird friend/sister that people pity for her misguided health efforts but I've never felt better. Cheers Grandpa! Homemeade Ketchup
1 comment:
You go girl. As Grandpa would say you got Snappers. Or was it "it's always good to have an ecentric around to make you feel better about yourself". One of those.
(you do know I am teasing, it is just to good of material)
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