Friday, June 18, 2010

Surgery Scheduled

More tests have come back. I am negative for HER2 and positive for estrogen and progesterone which means I will respond well to hormone treatment. The PET-CT scan came back showing no other cancers in my body and nothing under my arms in the lymph nodes. I will have a breast MRI next Thursday for more definitive look at the lymph nodes before surgery and a closer look at my other breast. 30% of people who have breast cancer have it in the other breast and it is not able to be felt. If that comes back showing cancer in the other breast, I will have a double mastectomy. That surgery will be on Friday the 25th of June at 8:30 AM at Banner Gateway Hospital.

We are consulting with a breast cancer specialist at St. Josephs hospital in Phoenix. He is providing a 2nd opinion.

1 comment:

marnee said...

It isn't funny, but Keldon was wondering what they called that surgery for men - now we know. Not a pect-ectomy. Happy for you that the time table seems to be moving quickly. Our prayers are with you.