Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I'm not much of a Halloween Freak (and neither is Glenn). So, this year I figured we'd forget about Halloween. I kinda' had hoped we'd be ON THE ROAD to TX... but we will be about a week shy... so... to keep with Family Tradition we did the ANNUAL cut.

It sure was a success and I'm so glad we took the time to do it! We got these humongo pumpkins (at Safeway) which made it pretty easy to cut. Ben & Zach really got into it!

Now all I need to work on is five costumes by Wednesday!?!? AUGH! (Now I remember why I really don't like Halloween!)


Michael Clark said...

Nice job guys! Those look awesome.

Michael Clark said...

Ooops! I have to take my first comment back. Nothing looks good when it's done by someone in a Red Sox shirt.