Thursday, July 01, 2010


I'm posting these pictures not only to show you what a manly chest looks like, but so that you will see what to look for if it happens to you. I have posted a lot more photos on our family blog if you want to see them. I personally can't get enough of my chest.

This is my left chest. The one without cancer.

This is the right chest. The one with cancer. Notice that the nipple is pulled in slightly. The lump is between 9 and 11 o'clock under the nipple. The most common signs for male breast cancer are; discharge from the nipple and the nipple being pulled inward. This was taken the day before the surgery. I'm still pretty bruised from the biopsy.

I'm posting this one because if it were one of you instead of me, I'd want to see the pictures. I took this one yesterday. This is what a one nippled man looks like.

We met with a genetic counselor yesterday. They are going to do some blood tests to try to identify some genetic markers. This will help study breast cancer in men as well as enable us to see if my siblings and children have these markers which would increase the risk of cancer. The typical male only has a 6% chance of developing breast cancer. Now that I have had it, my chances for the other breast are 3%.

1 comment:

Brent and April said...

I can't believe it!!! I bare my chest to the world and I get no comments.