Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New Apple at our House

We just got a new Apple Product at our house.....

Nope, it wasn't an iPhone (I wish...my birthday is on the 26th).

Our old Power Mac G4 was almost 8 years old... It was long over due to be updated. We got our new iMac today. Ahhhh.... Speed at last!


We have updated our web page to include a Web Gallery. It is a new thing from Apple. I can publish my photos online and anyone can look at them and download them. The cool new thing is that they can also upload photos to share with others.

For example, I posted photos from Logan's Baptism. If anyone who lives in Arizona (and loves us) that came to the Baptism and has any related photos that they want to share they can upload them to share with everyone else who came.

This will be especially cool for Melanie's Wedding. We can all share full quality photos with each other.

Check out the link HERE

I really want to see if this works so even if you don't have a related photo, upload something.



Heather C. said...

OH I'm so jealous you have th new iLife! We just watched the keynote thing when Steve Jobs introduced it, looks cool!. I'm so curious about the new iMovie!!! Do you like it? Do you get it? It looked a little confusing but fun.

Brent and April said...

I haven't played with iMovie yet.

Linnea said...

I hate Macs. And if you think your computer is old, I have the computer you used before you got your old one. Hows that for outdated! We're looking at a nice HP with Windows. I can't wait to be Mac free!!!

Brent and April said...

Please consult with Eldon, Melissa, Heather, Dad, or me before you make your decision. If you have that old Mac then you really don't have a Mac. Check out the iMacs before you go WINBLOWS.

Eldon said...

Linnea you gotta go Mac! I am a convert and will never go back.

And Heather I just ordered the new iLife so I will rub it in after I play with it.

Heather C. said...

Umm, who has me for Christmas this year?

Brent and April said...

Let me say the new iLife is AWESOME!.....so is the new 24" iMac.

Heather C. said...

So I just uploaded a random photo into the summer album. It's a picture of Thomas making a train out of a bunch of empty boxes. It was amazing how fast it uploaded, it showed up instantly! Way cool!